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2024-08-26 "Thank you for your Service"

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This phrase is important as we recognize our military members, veterans, and their families, and the sacrifices they make to keep us free. We need to appreciate and recognize the costs that they are willing to bear for us to live in peace.

This is the reason Freedom Outreach International exists. Our uniformed services are positioned around the world, many times in locations that are stressful and difficult to maintain connection with family; filled with uncertainties and difficulties that those who have never served cannot understand.

We should never forget the cost of freedom. We must always remember that freedom is never free, but is paid for with the blood of men and women who are willing to give everything to defend our liberties.

Our freedom from sin was purchased with the blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who was willing to serve as the front line soldier in the battle between good and evil, to sacrifice His life to gain our freedom from the tyranny and bondage of sin. Because of His willingness to serve the Father and to take our place, we have been restored to fellowship with God through Him and through His sacrifice on Calvary.

God has always had an army, a military force which He uses to glorify His name and to show His power. God still uses military men today to spread the gospel to places where no missionary can go; where the gospel is not allowed. God has special forces that go in and spread the gospel to the world. The Military is the greatest missionary force on the planet.

We can see God using military men throughout Scripture to accomplish His purpose and plan.

Joshua: Joshua was one of the spies that went in to spy out the land of Israel when the children of Israel were preparing to go in and take the land (Num. 13). But the people rebelled and God judged them. Joshua was one of only two that God allowed to enter the promised land from their generation. He was the captain of the army of Israel, and when Moses died, he became the commander-in-chief of Israel. Joshua took his orders from God Joshua 5:13 - 6:2

Caleb: Caleb was the other spy that gave a good report and God let enter the land of promise. After 40 years, He was still ready to fight for his inheritance. At the age of eighty he said Give me my mountain (Joshua 14:6-14)

Gideon: Gideon was called a mighty man of Valor by God (Judges 6:11-12) God delivered Israel through Gideon's obedience (Judges 7:19-23)

David: David was a Giant Killer, a Kingdom Maker, and a Military Leader.
He saw the need and responded. Is there not a cause? (1 Samuel 17:26-29)
He surrounded himself with "mighty warriors" who were dedicated to him and willing to go beyond what was required to accomplish the mission. They loved David so much that they were willing to risk their lives to get him a drink of water from the well in Bethlehem. (2 Samuel 23:15-17)

The Centurion that cared about his servant: Jesus honored the Centurion for his faith. He was amazed at the faith of a military man who understood authority (Matthew 8:5-11)

Cornelius: Cornelius was a Gentile that loved God, and God honored his faith (Acts 10:1-2)
Cornelius, a military man, became the first Gentile Christian. (Acts 10:44-48)

There is a special place in God's heart for military men and women. They understand the importance of discipline, of endurance, of authority. That is why this ministry is so important and that is why we're here, because we care.